About Me

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Hello, Welcome to my blog. I've been teaching English for over 13 years. I lived in Italy for 10 years on the sunny island of Sardinia. I was born in Manchester and went to university in Liverpool, where I studied Geography. I love travelling and have visited lots of different countries


Thursday 4 September 2008

Language for presentations

1 Good morning ladies and gentlemen
2 Welcome to my presentation
3 The topic of my presentation is
4 The aim of my presentation today is
5 The main points I will be talking about are, firstly
6 Finally, I’ll be happy to answer your questions at the end
7 Firstly I’d like to talk about
8 This is an important point because…….
9 I’d like to illustrate this by showing you this graphic
10 That’s all for my first topic
11 I’d now like to conclude by summing up and making recommendations
12 The purpose of this presentation was to
13 The main points I talked about were
14 Therefore I recommend
15 Now I’d like to invite any questions you may have

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