About Me

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Hello, Welcome to my blog. I've been teaching English for over 13 years. I lived in Italy for 10 years on the sunny island of Sardinia. I was born in Manchester and went to university in Liverpool, where I studied Geography. I love travelling and have visited lots of different countries


Thursday 4 December 2008

Paragraph website


Look at this website about writing paragraphs.

When you have written your paragraph, look at the information and decide if your paragraph contains all the essential elements.


1 comment:

Enopharm said...

Dear Helen
I hope you are fine and and that you manged to enjoy your weekend with reading our blogs!.I am writing to tell you that I still confused about my essay do you think It will be OK if I change just the things that you wrote on my draft.Or I have to consider it again .I am afraid that I did not answer the question properly ( The advantages and the disadvantages).and and I just wrote three paragraphs and conclusion do you think it is enough.
I am sorry bothering you Helen with all this question although you was clear enough with us on last Friday.
Thank you in advance.
See you tomorrow.
Kind regards
Note: I sent you an e mail twice but every time I recived failure notice may be I did mistake in one letter.