About Me

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Hello, Welcome to my blog. I've been teaching English for over 13 years. I lived in Italy for 10 years on the sunny island of Sardinia. I was born in Manchester and went to university in Liverpool, where I studied Geography. I love travelling and have visited lots of different countries


Saturday 29 November 2008

Seminar reflection


For those of you who have posted your seminar reflections I have added a comment.

Seminar - Monday 1st Dec

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all having a good Saturday. Don't forget that you need to do some research for the seminar on Monday.
Jim has posted some links on his blog which you might like to look at.

Think about your performance in the last seminar and the areas that you feel you need to improve. One suggestion is that you try and use some of the more functional language for agreeing, disagreeing etc.

See you all on Monday!

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Academic Phrasebank



Here is the link to the Academic Phrasebank.

See you tomorrow

Monday 24 November 2008

seminar reflection

Dear All,

Just to remind you that by Friday I would you like you to post on your blog or put in your portfolio your reflections on today's seminar.

Use the questions on page 61 of the red book to guide your reflection.

See you all tomorrow

Thursday 20 November 2008

Media seminar and writing task


Don't forget that you should have started your research by now for the seminar on Monday. Have a look at Jim's blog for some links to some more articles.

Tomorrow you should let me know which of the essay titles you have chosen.
Starting tomorrow and continuing next week we will look at writing discursive essays, essay outlines and writing introductions in more detail.

For the moment concentrate on collecting some information in order to have something to put in your essays.

See you all tomorrow

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Older postings

Please have a look at some of the older postings on my blog as I have put in some links to useful websites.

Self study


Hopefully everyone has now either set up a blog or has started recording their self-study on paper. Remember that at the end of the month I can only give you a mark if you PRODUCE something for me to look at. You will be given a mark for the amount of self study that you have done and also for the effort that you have put in. Try and include some variety in your self study and remember that anything and everything you do in English outside the classroom can be recorded as self study. So, if you work, record that on your blog/on paper, if you go to conversation club, add that etc

You also have to complete at least 7 of the self-study tasks listed in the front of your red books.

Have a good evening and see you all tomorrow.

Media Seminar

Dear Amber,

Monday is the first of your assessed seminars. The topic is the media and your homework today was to look at the areas of the media to be covered in the seminar.

You need to start doing your preparation NOW. Please don't leave it until Sunday night and then expect to do well in the seminar. One of the areas you are given a mark for is your preparation. You can bring your notes with you to the seminar - you don't have to memorise everything you read.

See you tomorrow