About Me

My photo
Hello, Welcome to my blog. I've been teaching English for over 13 years. I lived in Italy for 10 years on the sunny island of Sardinia. I was born in Manchester and went to university in Liverpool, where I studied Geography. I love travelling and have visited lots of different countries


Thursday 22 January 2009

presentation planner

Self study for you this week to help you with your presentations.


Wednesday 21 January 2009

Two words


Bad Mood

Dear Ruby,

The bad mood may have been a pretend one but the content of what I said today in class was very important. I want you to produce the best essay that you possibly can and one way to do this is to make changes to your essay based on the comments Andy made about your draft.
If you don't make any changes to your draft, at best you can expect the same mark as your draft but more likely scenario is that you will get a lower mark. I don't want that to happen and I'm sure that you don't either.

See you all tomorrow

Monday 19 January 2009

Harvard System of Referencing

Hi Ruby,

If you'd like some more examples and information about referencing click on the link below.


See you tomorrow

Thursday 15 January 2009

Self-study - Friday 16th January


Hi Ruby,

Please can you follow this link for some self-study exercises and record on your blog what you have done. Click on the link - go to reporting - read through the sections and then try the exercises at the end.


Wednesday 14 January 2009

Decision Time

As the saying goes

No more prevaricating around the bush

Time to make a decision - what exactly are you going to include in your essay. You've had time to think about it and now you need to start making some decisions. What information do you want to include in your essay? What essay structure are you going to follow?

It's time to decide!!! Make the decision and stick with it for the moment.


This one is dedicated to you Ruby


Take a look at the lyrics

Monday 12 January 2009

Work, work, work


Some of you are finding this month full of pressure with lots of work to do. This is just a taster of what you will be facing on your Masters. There will be weeks in which you have 3 presentations, an in-class test and an essay due all in the same week.

Time management is crucial. Don't leave things to the last minute. Work steadily doing a bit everyday.


Hi Ruby,

On Friday I would like you to bring in a draft of your essay/outline.
The minimum requirement is a couple of paragraphs - it doesn't matter if the paragraphs come from the introduction, main body or conclusion.
The more material that you can give on Friday the more feedback you will get.

Remember that drafts can be changed and it is a good chance for you to see if you are heading in the right direction.


Self-study Blogs

Dear Ruby,

I'm a little bit worried. I've added myself as a follower to most of your blogs now and I've noticed that some of them have not been updated for a very long time. I hope that if you are not putting your self-study onto your blog that you are doing a paper version. If you aren't doing either of these things then you are going to be in VERY big trouble in a couple of weeks.


So get blogging/self-studying please.

For those of you who have been doing something, please ignore this.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Monday and Tuesday

Hi Ruby,

On Monday you will have a lecture on Globalisation.

Tuesday - based on the readings you have done you will do a poster presentation on your reading in your groups. You will be given time on Monday in the lesson to decide what you are going to present from your reading.


Take a look at this website to give you an idea of what a poster presentation is like.

Enjoy your weekend

Friday 9 January 2009


Dear Ruby,

Please complete the following exercise for homework.

Group A read text A at the end of the green booklet. - Sebastian - Norah - Abdelaziz

Group B read text B at the end of the green booklet. - Satoshi - Shalem - Ardeshir

Group C read text C at the end of the green booklet. - Takuji - Labhesh - Louis

Group D read texts D and E at the end of the green booklet. - Ama - Maria - Stefano - Samsul

Wednesday 7 January 2009


As the first draft of your essay is due next Friday, I suggest that you start thinking about what you want to include in your essay. Globalisation is a HUGE topic area and it will be impossible to go into detail in all areas. Therefore you will have to be selective and choose the MAIN effects of globalistion for your essay (as the question says).

With regards to the essay, the more you can give me next week the more advice I will be able to give you. Don't forget what you learnt in the previous months - it is still RELEVANT.


January's self study

Hey Ruby,

It's time to get going on your self study again. By Friday I would like those of you who have a blog to post your definition of globalisation.

I'd also like to see you post at least one of the fifteen tasks from the booklet.

Remember that self study is part of your assessment so if you don't do it, I can't give you a grade for it.

See you tomorrow

Monday 5 January 2009

Features of academic style

Have a look at this website:


Welcome Back!!!

A new year and a new month!! The theme of this month is GLOBALISATION.
Along with the end of month test and self study, you will be expected to produce a full essay and a presentation.
