About Me

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Hello, Welcome to my blog. I've been teaching English for over 13 years. I lived in Italy for 10 years on the sunny island of Sardinia. I was born in Manchester and went to university in Liverpool, where I studied Geography. I love travelling and have visited lots of different countries


Wednesday 21 January 2009

Bad Mood

Dear Ruby,

The bad mood may have been a pretend one but the content of what I said today in class was very important. I want you to produce the best essay that you possibly can and one way to do this is to make changes to your essay based on the comments Andy made about your draft.
If you don't make any changes to your draft, at best you can expect the same mark as your draft but more likely scenario is that you will get a lower mark. I don't want that to happen and I'm sure that you don't either.

See you all tomorrow

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