About Me

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Hello, Welcome to my blog. I've been teaching English for over 13 years. I lived in Italy for 10 years on the sunny island of Sardinia. I was born in Manchester and went to university in Liverpool, where I studied Geography. I love travelling and have visited lots of different countries


Wednesday 7 January 2009

January's self study

Hey Ruby,

It's time to get going on your self study again. By Friday I would like those of you who have a blog to post your definition of globalisation.

I'd also like to see you post at least one of the fifteen tasks from the booklet.

Remember that self study is part of your assessment so if you don't do it, I can't give you a grade for it.

See you tomorrow

1 comment:

Enopharm said...

Many thanks Helen your comment means a lot to me and gives me support; I will keep following your blogs.